NZ Horticulture & Garden Organisations.

NZ Horticulture & Garden Organisations.

When you start researching this subject you’ll find there’s a plethora of Societies, associations, clubs, circles and groups. Which is  a sign of a healthy and dynamic interest in this subject. So I thought I’d make a contribution by making this directory of links to help and  encourage people to connect with  each other  and nature through gardening. This list is not complete but is a starting point if you’re wanting to connect with other people who are enthusiasts in their chosen field of horticulture. They are generally friendly and helpful. Here’s a list of some of the not for profit national horticulture & garden related  organisations.

Forest & Bird

Heritage Roses New Zealand

New Zealand Iris Society

New Zealand Lily Society

New Zealand Rose Society

New Zealand Tree Crops Association

Permaculture in New Zealand

Royal NZ Institute of Horticulture

Soil & Health Assoc of NZ

The Floral Art Society of New Zealand

If you want your not for profit garden club or organisation included in this directory. Give me the details through my contact page.

Here’s List Of Some Of The Auckland Gardening Clubs

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